5 things I didn’t expect about being engaged

In case you see my giant smile through your screen, I am still over the moon. What a weird expression… to be honest I don’t even know what it means, but I feel it.

Maybe it’s the fact that I was completely shocked by Peter on July 10th, but we have felt a massive shift in the universe ever since getting engaged. It’s such a hard feeling to describe to anyone who hasn’t experienced it, but just know that it’s magical.

Actually, there was a lot I didn’t expect once getting engaged.


What it’s actually like being engaged

You are suddenly floating

I had seen videos of other newly-engaged girls giddy over their new bling and proposal, but I didn’t know how far that extended beyond the original shock. Surely it has to get normal after a while, right?

No. Not really. Maybe it’s because I was completely blindsided by the engagement and no time to mentally prepare, but I swear to you I don’t think I stopped floating for weeks after the engagement.

Picture riding a rollercoaster. You’re slowly clicking towards the top, knowing full well that in a couple seconds your stomach will be filled with butterflies as you coast over the people below. There’s an unstoppable adrenaline cruising down your bloodstream and all you can do is scream. That is what it’s like being engaged. It’s like you are floating, full of the most intense adrenaline. You are unstoppable and nothing matters other than enjoying the ride.

When’s the big day?

I’m sure we are pre-programmed as humans to be 10-steps ahead at all times, but I swear to you that the very night we got engaged, strangers approached us with a “Congratulations! When’s the big day?!”. Are you being serious?! Maybe it’s my go-with-the-flow mentality or perhaps the fact that Peter literally still has mud on his shoes from proposing like 30 seconds ago, but we found this to be hysterical. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to book a venue during our walk from the vineyards to the winery, but I’ll letcha know sis. ;)

Nothing else matters

Peter and I both really let ourselves enjoy this engagement period. It all started with the weekend we got engaged, when we spent far too much money on food and drinks, celebrating at every restaurant as I intentionally ate my food in a way that showcased my ring.

Suddenly I didn’t care about being healthy or working out. Screw my daily workout program. Pop the bubbly!

This is no joke what I ate Monday:

  • 10:30 AM: Leftover pizza

  • 12 PM: More leftover pizza

  • 3 PM: Chocolates

  • 5 PM: Bdubs boneless wings (honey BBQ duh)

  • 7 PM: Wine ;)

…and this continued for weeks. We picked up red velvet cake (which p.s. Peter really liked, so could be the move at the wedding hehe) and bottles of wine, we took breaks during the workday to grab lunch down the street, holding hands watching my diamond sparkle. Suddenly money didn’t matter, time didn’t matter.

Holy crap, I want to celebrate everyone

In case you couldn’t tell from the first couple paragraphs, being engaged is the best high in the world. I swear you can’t describe it until you feel it. The first day we got back to the apartment, we were surprised with flowers from my grandparents and wine from his cousin, which of course made me cry. How thoughtful is that?!

It feels like the biggest moment in my life AND I get to share that feeling with my best friend. Picture sharing your birthday with your best friend, now multiply that by 100.

Peter and I both said that we are now going to shower all our friends who get engaged with gifts and love because it means SO much when people do. Even a card or bottle of wine makes this whole thing so surreal, and getting it from friends is the best support in the world.

The honeymoon phase

One of Peter’s co-workers told us to enjoy this honeymoon stage before planning the wedding, which is actually a great way to describe this. Every time I looked at Peter the first week I would cry. The first night we got engaged I didn’t sleep at all. Really, not at all. I cried the entire night and stayed up texting my sister while Peter slept like a baby. I couldn’t believe what had happened and all I could do was cry.

This continued into normal life once we were back in DC.

Walking to the grocery store? Time to cry. A good song comes on? Tears. I see Peter smile? Here we go again.

I know it seems ridiculous, but it was the only way I could process what happened. It was literally joy pouring out of my body, I swear to you.

The one thought that really got me is picturing myself as a little girl. You always dream of finding a handsome guy, getting married and having a beautiful ring, but I remember times in middle school when I thought no boy would ever notice me. I wasn’t pretty enough for that, I was too weird. Fast forward a couple years and I can vividly remember the guy sitting next to me in class. He was cute, a little goofy, and seemed to think I was funny. Still, there was no way. I fell for him fast, but Katie there is no way he’ll want to date you. He’ll just want to be friends.

I guess you can see why I cry so much.

My 13-year-old self would be so proud. I have found someone who loves me and all my quirks. I have found someone who is proud of me and makes me feel beautiful. I have become a better person because of him and now we are on this big adventure together. Katie, you did it. (P.S. Have you seen the ring?! Holy tamole, girlfriend.)

This whole experience has been so full of love, the most incredible love. It honestly feels like we got married already, and now I CAN’T wait for the wedding day holy crap I’m going to be a wreck haha!

Thanks for taking the time to read this & celebrate us! I’ve said this before, but I’ve waiting 9 years for this moment and I’m savoring every second of it.

Love you all!

